The Retail Invasion

It's here to stay.

The Retail Invasion

It’s highly unlikely that the Chinese army will be marching through the streets of London. At least, I hope not. I prefer to live in times of peace and not have to worry about being blown to smithereens or wiped out in a nuclear bomb.

But back in April 1990, a lowly shop opened in Stechford, Birmingham. Nobody took much notice. Indeed, management didn’t even bother to advertise its opening.

The business slowly expanded, battling suppliers and the Big Four’s influence, and slowly encroached on the major players.

Then came the the Financial Crisis. The big players refused to cut prices and instead drove shoppers into the welcoming arms of Aldi and Lidl.

And that’s how the Germans invaded and succeeded.

But now there’s a new threat on the horizon. It’s not the Germans. It’s the Chinese.

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